
summer preview

what the free press doesnt want, the internet gets.

“The word flutter arises from an internal spoonerism of a hyphenated and abbreviated butter-fly; the word gist finds its way into and out of biologist, psychologist, and the common misspelling zietgist.”

Thus began Manseto’s summer preview. We had all agreed that the weather would be nice and that gas prices would be high, but maybe that would curtail excessive petrol uses, something we could all get behind. No matter, the enthusiasm we most felt for bermudas, barbecues and bocce was palpable, palatable and paypalable. Senior citizens move to Brooklyn, freshtypes move to Tivoli and some of us just hang about, fretting about bass material(ism). Indeed, readers, it has been all sorts of real this year, so please keep it as such: the press in your head, the free in your hand, the Bard in your heartd.